Thursday 18 June 2020

Introduction to Renewable Energy and Classifications of Renewable Energy

Renewable energy can be generated continuously in our nature and it is in exhaustible they are also called as non conventional source of energy and can be used in an infinite manner. for example,In our solar system the sun is mass energy source to the world and this energy helps to humans and plant to evolve. 
 Image by seagul from Pixabay

Classifications of renewable energy  

  • Solar energy
  • Wind energy
  • Hydro energy
  • Tidal energy
  • Geothermal energy
  • Biomass energy 
  • Bio fuel energy

Solar energy

Image by andreas160578 from Pixabay
    Sun is the huge source of energy for all living organisms what happens inside the star, the nuclear fusion reactions are take place releases enormous quantity of energy form of heat and light.

    The techniques used for harnessing the solar energy, passive heat collectors, solar cells ,solar water heater solar furnace solar power plant.

Wind energy

Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

    Wind having a lot of kinetic energy when it is in high speed.This energy is harnessed by use of wind mills.The blades of wind will be rotating converts mechanical energy into electrical energy. Electrical energy is feed into the power grid.

Hydro energy

Image by Franz W. from Pixabay

    The dam is constructed to store the water which has very huge potential energy. the water is allowed to hit the turbine blades generator starts rotating and produce the electrical energy. But the initial construction cost of dam is very high.

Tidal energy 

   The gravitational forces of sun and moon produces tides in oceans. rise in the tidal are called as huge tidal and fall in the tidal are called as low tidal in the oceans. the tidal energy is harnessed by constructing a barrage.the sea water flows into reservoir and rotates the turbine.
    Which produces the electricity by rotating the generator. the water stored in the barrage reservoir flows out and again rotating the turbine. 

Geothermal energy

Image by WikiImages from Pixabay

    There is a possible of high temperature and high pressure steam field exist under the surface of earth in some places the energy is harnessed from the rocks present inside the earth.The steam of hot water comes out of ground naturally through the earth's surface form of natural geysers.


Biomass energy

Image by PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay

    The Organic matter produced by living  organisms plants and animals like, sewage, agriculture wastes,crop residues etc. The plants absorbs solar energy through photosynthesis are converted into biomass energy. crops like sugarcane,carbohydrate which are rich plants of energy plantations. This plants is converted into burnable gases.

    The rich hydrocarbons can yield an oil like substance under high temperature and pressure.

    The crop residues, peanut shells are common agriculture waste which produces energy by burning.

Bio fuel


    Methanol burns at lower temperature than gasoline or diesel. these fuels burns clean and non polluting in nature.


    Thus,we realize the Non conventional source is Non polluting and Environment friendly sources.But,
the initial construction cost of these power plants very high.

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Which power plant is used world wide? Why?
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