Friday 24 July 2020

Principle of Operation of DC Generator in Easy Ways


    The first electromagnetic generator was invented in 1831 by British scientist Michael Faraday. The reverse operation of  electric DC generator is DC motor.

Laws contributing in dc generator

    We have to understand the concept of laws contributing in dc generator before understand the operation of dc generator.

    Wherever the change in magnetic flux near the coil, the emf is induced in that coil. This is called as faradays law of electromagnetic induction.

    Just take a piece of bar magnet and the LED circuit with coil. If we move the bar magnet front and back near the coil, the LED will be glowing.


Fleming right hand rule

    In general, the Flemings right hand rule in defines the operation of dc generator. The thumb represents the direction of force in conductor.

    The fore finger represents the direction of magnetic field and the middle finger represents the direction of current in the coil.


Operation or dc generator

    In dc generator, we should rotate the shaft of armature through Non-conventional sources. The Armature shaft having conductors converts mechanical energy in to electrical energy. 

The armature conductors are going to rotate and magnetic field and at stationary so is known as dynamically induced emf.

    The emf induced in the conductor is minimum when the conductor is parallel to the magnetic field.




The conductor in inclination to the magnetic field.




    The negative sign is derived from Lenz law. The induced emf produces current in the circuit always opposes the rate of change of flux. Ɵ is an angel between flux and conductor and v is the velocity of the conductor.

    The maximum emf is induced in the conductor when the conductor is perpendicular to the magnetic field.



Consider a simple dc generator with permanent magnet. The coil is placed in between the permanent magnet. The magnetic field lines are from north to south pole. The coil is having two conductor AB and CD. The conductor AB is always connected with S2 and B2 likely the conductor CD is always connected with load.

    consider the generator armature is always rotated in the clockwise direction.


Positive cycle

    When the conductor is parallel to the magnetic field there is no magnetic field cut by conductor so, emf is zero in the conductors.

    The conductors are inclined to the magnetic field partially the magnetic field is cut by conductors so, there is induced emf in that conductors according to Fleming right hand rule. The current is flowing from the conductor ABCD to load through B1 B2.

    When the conductor is perpendicular to the magnetic field the maximum emf is induced in the conductors. The current is flowing from ABCD the conductor to load through B1 B2.


Negative cycle

    Remember the conductors are always connected to the slip rings S1 and S2. In this case the emf is zero because of no magnetic fields are cut by conductors.

    When the conductors are in inclined angle partially the emf is induced in the conductors but, the current is flowing from the conductors DCBA to load through B2 B1. 

    The emf is maximum when conductor is perpendicular to magnetic field likely the current is flowing from the conductor DCBA to load through B2 B1.

    The number of cycles per second called hertz.



    There is no major difference between the operation of dc generator and dc motor. The mechanical energy is converted in to electrical energy vice versa. 



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